Regression Tests

Regression tests are designed to cover various technical features of the OpenFPGA projects, including but not limited to

  • Netlist generation

  • Netlist verification

  • Bitstream generation

Considering the large number of technical features, regression tests are categorized into several groups, which can be found at openfpga_flow/regression_test_scripts/

Run a Test


Make sure you have compiled OpenFPGA and set up your environment before reaching this step. See details in getting_started_tutorials.

To run a regression test, users can execute a shell script (assume you are under the root directory of the project), for example,

./openfpga_flow/regression_test_scripts/ [OPTIONS]


basic_reg_test can be replaced by other tests which are under openfpga_flow/regression_test_scripts/

Test Options

There are a few options available when running the tests.


This option can turn on debug mode when running regression tests. By default it is off.


This option can enable verbose output when running regression tests. By default it is off.


To avoid massive outputs, suggest to run the tests with default options. In CI, always recommend to turn on the debug and verbose options

--remove_run_dir all

This option is to remove all the previous run results for a specific regression test. Suggest to use when there are limited disk space.


Be careful before using this option! It may cause permanent loss on test results.