Integrating Custom Verilog Modules with user_defined_template.v
Introduction and Setup
- In this tutorial, we will
Provide the motivation for generating the user_defined_template.v verilog file
Go through a generated user_defined_template.v file to demonstrate how to use it
Through this tutorial, we will show how and when to use the user_defined_template.v file.
To begin the tutorial, we start with a modified version of the hard adder task that comes with OpenFPGA. To follow along, go to the root directory of OpenFPGA and enter:
vi openfpga_flow/openfpga_arch/k6_frac_N10_adder_chain_40nm_openfpga.xml
Go to LINE187 and replace LINE187 with:
<circuit_model type="hard_logic" name="ADDF" prefix="ADDF" is_default="true" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/openfpga_cell_library/spice/adder.sp" verilog_netlist="">
From the OpenFPGA root directory, run the command:
python3 openfpga_flow/ fpga_verilog/adder/hard_adder --debug --show_thread_logs
Running this command should fail and produce the following errors:
ERROR - iverilog_verification run failed with returncode 21
ERROR - command iverilog -o compiled_and2 ./SRC/and2_include_netlists.v -s and2_top_formal_verification_random_tb
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>././SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__adder.v:50: error: Unknown module type: ADDF
ERROR - -->>21 error(s) during elaboration.
ERROR - Current working directory : /research/ece/lnis/USERS/leaptrot/OpenFPGA/openfpga_flow/tasks/fpga_verilog/adder/hard_adder/run019/k6_frac_N10_tileable_adder_chain_40nm/and2/MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH
ERROR - Failed to run iverilog_verification task
ERROR - Exiting . . . . . .
This error log can also be found by running the following command from the root directory:
cat openfpga_flow/tasks/fpga_verilog/adder/hard_adder/latest/00_and2_MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH_out.log
This command failed during the verification step because the path to the module definition for ADDF is missing. In our architecture file, user-defined verilog modules are those <circuit_model>
with the key term verilog_netlist. The user_defined_template.v
file provides a module template for incorporating Hard IPs without external library into the architecture.
Fixing the Error
This error can be resolved by replacing the LINE187 of k6_frac_N10_adder_chain_40nm_openfpga.xml
with the following:
<circuit_model type="hard_logic" name="ADDF" prefix="ADDF" is_default="true" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/openfpga_cell_library/spice/adder.sp" verilog_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/openfpga_cell_library/verilog/adder.v">
The above line provides a path to generate the user_defined_template.v file. Now we can return to the root directory and run this command again:
python3 openfpga_flow/ fpga_verilog/adder/hard_adder --debug --show_thread_logs
The task should now complete without any errors.
Fixing the Error with user_defined_template.v
The user_defined_template.v file can be found starting from the root directory and entering:
vi openfpga_flow/tasks/fpga_verilog/adder/hard_adder/latest/k6_frac_N10_tileable_adder_chain_40nm/and2/MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH/SRC/sub_module/user_defined_template.v
The user_defined_template.v
file contains user-defined verilog modules that are found in the openfpga_cell_library with ports declaration (compatible with other netlists that are auto-generated by OpenFPGA) but without functionality. user_defined_template.v
is used as a reference for engineers to check what is the port sequence required by top-level verilog netlists. user_defined_template.v
can be included in simulation only if there are modifications to the user_defined_template.v
To implement our own ADDF module, we need to remove all other module definitions (they are already defined elsewhere and will cause an error if left in). Replace the user_defined_template.v
file with the following:
// FPGA Synthesizable Verilog Netlist
// Description: Template for user-defined Verilog modules
// Author: Xifan TANG
// Organization: University of Utah
// Date: Fri Mar 19 10:05:32 2021
//----- Time scale -----
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// ----- Template Verilog module for ADDF -----
//----- Default net type -----
`default_nettype none
// ----- Verilog module for ADDF -----
module ADDF(A,
//----- INPUT PORTS -----
input [0:0] A;
//----- INPUT PORTS -----
input [0:0] B;
//----- INPUT PORTS -----
input [0:0] CI;
//----- OUTPUT PORTS -----
output [0:0] SUM;
//----- OUTPUT PORTS -----
output [0:0] CO;
//----- BEGIN wire-connection ports -----
//----- END wire-connection ports -----
//----- BEGIN Registered ports -----
//----- END Registered ports -----
// ----- Internal logic should start here -----
assign SUM = A ^ B ^ CI;
assign CO = (A & B) | (A & CI) | (B & CI);
// ----- Internal logic should end here -----
// ----- END Verilog module for ADDF -----
We can now link this user_defined_template.v
into k6_frac_N10_adder_chain_40nm_openfpga.xml
Be sure to select the run where you modified the user_defined_template.v
From the OpenFPGA root directory, run:
vi openfpga_flow/openfpga_arch/k6_frac_N10_adder_chain_40nm_openfpga.xml
At LINE187 in verilog_netlist, put in:
Finally, rerun this command from the OpenFPGA root directory to ensure it is working:
python3 openfpga_flow/ fpga_verilog/adder/hard_adder --debug --show_thread_logs