

Write the Verilog netlist for FPGA fabric based on module graph. See details in Fabric Netlists.

--file <string> or -f <string>

Specify the output directory for the Verilog netlists. For example, --file /temp/fabric_netlist/

--constant_undriven_inputs <string>


This option is automatically enabled and set to bus0 when the option perimeter_cb of tileable routing resource graph is enabled (see details in :ref`addon_vpr_syntax`).


Enable this option may shadow issues in your FPGA architecture, which causes them difficult to be found in design verification.

Can be [none | bus0 | bus1 | bit0 | bit1 ]. Use constant 0 or 1 for undriven wires in Verilog netlists. Recommand to enable when there are boundary routing tracks in FPGA fabric. When bus0 or bus1 are set, the constant wiring will be done in a bus format. When bit0 or bit1 are set, the constant wiring will be done in a bit-blast style. Suggest to use bit-blast style only when downstream Verilog parsers do not support bus format. By default, it is none.

--default_net_type <string>

Specify the default net type for the Verilog netlists. Currently, supported types are none and wire. Default value: none.


Use explicit port mapping when writing the Verilog netlists


Output timing information to Verilog netlists for primitive modules


Force to use relative path in netlists when including other netlists. By default, this is off, which means that netlists use absolute paths when including other netlists


Output a template Verilog netlist for all the user-defined circuit models in Circuit Library. This aims to help engineers to check what is the port sequence required by top-level Verilog netlists


Do not print time stamp in Verilog netlists


Show verbose log


Write the full testbench for FPGA fabric in Verilog format. See details in Testbench.

--file <string> or -f <string>

The output directory for all the testbench netlists. We suggest the use of same output directory as fabric Verilog netlists. For example, --file /temp/testbench

--dut_module <string>

Specify the name of Design Under Test (DUT) module to be considered in the testbench. Can be either fpga_top or fpga_core. By default, it is ``fpga_top.


Please use the reserved words fpga_top or fpga_core even when renaming is applied to the modules (See details in rename_modules). Renaming will be applied automatically.

--bitstream <string>

The bitstream file to be loaded to the full testbench, which should be in the same file format that OpenFPGA can outputs (See detailes in Plain text (.bit)). For example, --bitstream and2.bit

--simulator <string>

Specify the type of simulator which the full testbench will be used for. Currently support iverilog | vcs. By default, assume the simulator is iverilog. For example, --simulator iverilog. For different types of simulator, some syntax in the testbench may differ to help fast convergence.

--fabric_netlist_file_path <string>

Specify the fabric Verilog file if they are not in the same directory as the testbenches to be generated. If not specified, OpenFPGA will assume that the fabric netlists are the in the same directory as testbenches and assign default names. For example, --file /temp/fabric/fabric_netlists.v

--reference_benchmark_file_path <string>

Specify the reference benchmark Verilog file if you want to output any self-checking testbench. For example, --reference_benchmark_file_path /temp/benchmark/counter_post_synthesis.v


If not specified, the testbench will not include any self-checking feature!

--pin_constraints_file <string> or -pcf <string>

Specify the Pin Constraints File (PCF) if you want to custom stimulus in testbenches. For example, -pin_constraints_file pin_constraints.xml Strongly recommend for multi-clock simulations. See detailed file format about Pin Constraints File (.xml).

--bus_group_file <string> or -bgf <string>

Specify the Bus Group File (BGF) if you want to group pins to buses. For example, -bgf bus_group.xml Strongly recommend when input HDL contains bus ports. See detailed file format about Bus Group File (.xml).


Enable fast configuration phase for the top-level testbench in order to reduce runtime of simulations. It is applicable to configuration chain, memory bank and frame-based configuration protocols. For configuration chain, when enabled, the zeros at the head of the bitstream will be skipped. For memory bank and frame-based, when enabled, all the zero configuration bits will be skipped. So ensure that your memory cells can be correctly reset to zero with a reset signal.


If both reset and set ports are defined in the circuit modeling for programming, OpenFPGA will pick the one that will bring largest benefit in speeding up configuration.


Use explicit port mapping when writing the Verilog netlists

--default_net_type <string>

Specify the default net type for the Verilog netlists. Currently, supported types are none and wire. Default value: none.


Output signal initialization to Verilog testbench to smooth convergence in HDL simulation


We strongly recommend users to turn on this flag as it can help simulators to converge quickly.


Signal initialization is only applied to the datapath inputs of routing multiplexers (considering the fact that they are indispensible cells of FPGAs)! If your FPGA does not contain any multiplexer cells, signal initialization is not applicable.


Do not print time stamp in Verilog netlists


Force to use relative path in netlists when including other netlists. By default, this is off, which means that netlists use absolute paths when including other netlists


Show verbose log


Write the Verilog wrapper for a preconfigured FPGA fabric. See details in Testbench.

--file <string> or -f <string>

The output directory for the netlists. We suggest the use of same output directory as fabric Verilog netlists. For example, --file /temp/testbench

--fabric_netlist_file_path <string>

Specify the fabric Verilog file if they are not in the same directory as the testbenches to be generated. If not specified, OpenFPGA will assume that the fabric netlists are the in the same directory as testbenches and assign default names. For example, --file /temp/fabric/fabric_netlists.v

--dut_module <string>

Specify the name of Design Under Test (DUT) module to be considered in the testbench. Can be either fpga_top or fpga_core. By default, it is ``fpga_top.


Please use the reserved words fpga_top or fpga_core even when renaming is applied to the modules (See details in rename_modules). Renaming will be applied automatically.

--pin_constraints_file <string> or -pcf <string>

Specify the Pin Constraints File (PCF) if you want to custom stimulus in testbenches. For example, -pin_constraints_file pin_constraints.xml Strongly recommend for multi-clock simulations. See detailed file format about Pin Constraints File (.xml).

--bus_group_file <string> or -bgf <string>

Specify the Bus Group File (BGF) if you want to group pins to buses. For example, -bgf bus_group.xml Strongly recommend when input HDL contains bus ports. See detailed file format about Bus Group File (.xml).


Use explicit port mapping when writing the Verilog netlists

--default_net_type <string>

Specify the default net type for the Verilog netlists. Currently, supported types are none and wire. Default value: none.

--embed_bitstream <string>

Specify if the bitstream should be embedded to the Verilog netlists in HDL codes. Available options are none, iverilog and modelsim. Default value: modelsim.


If the option none is selected, bitstream will not be embedded. Users should force the bitstream through HDL simulator commands. Otherwise, functionality of the wrapper netlist is wrong!


Please specify iverilog if you are using icarus iVerilog simulator.


Output signal initialization to Verilog testbench to smooth convergence in HDL simulation


We strongly recommend users to turn on this flag as it can help simulators to converge quickly.


Signal initialization is only applied to the datapath inputs of routing multiplexers (considering the fact that they are indispensible cells of FPGAs)! If your FPGA does not contain any multiplexer cells, signal initialization is not applicable.


Enable waveform output when runnign HDL simulation on the preconfigured wrapper. When enabled, waveform files can be outputted in two formats: fsdb and vcd through preprocessing flags DUMP_FSDB and DUMP_VCD respectively. For example, when using VCS,. the flag can be activiated by +define+DUMP_FSDB=1.


Do not print time stamp in Verilog netlists


Show verbose log


Write a template of testbench for a preconfigured FPGA fabric. See details in Testbench.


The template testbench only contains an instance of FPGA fabric. Please do NOT directly use it in design verification without a proper modification!!!

--file <string> or -f <string>

The file path to output the testbench file. For example, --file /temp/testbench_template.v

--top_module <string>

Specify the name of top-level module to be considered in the testbench. Please avoid reserved words, i.e., fpga_top or fpga_core. By default, it is ``top_tb.


Please use the reserved words fpga_top or fpga_core even when renaming is applied to the modules (See details in rename_modules). Renaming will be applied automatically.

--dut_module <string>

Specify the name of Design Under Test (DUT) module to be considered in the testbench. Can be either fpga_top or fpga_core. By default, it is ``fpga_top.


Please use the reserved words fpga_top or fpga_core even when renaming is applied to the modules (See details in rename_modules). Renaming will be applied automatically.


Use explicit port mapping when writing the Verilog netlists

--default_net_type <string>

Specify the default net type for the Verilog netlists. Currently, supported types are none and wire. Default value: none.


Do not print time stamp in Verilog netlists


Show verbose log


Write the I/O connection statements in Verilog for a preconfigured FPGA fabric mapped to a given design. See details in Testbench.


The netlist may be included by the template testbench (see details in write_testbench_template). Please do NOT directly use it in design verification without a proper modification!!!

--file <string> or -f <string>

The file path to output the netlist file. For example, --file /temp/testbench_io_conkt.v

--dut_module <string>

Specify the name of Design Under Test (DUT) module to be considered in the testbench. Can be either fpga_top or fpga_core. By default, it is ``fpga_top.


Please use the reserved words fpga_top or fpga_core even when renaming is applied to the modules (See details in rename_modules). Renaming will be applied automatically.

--pin_constraints_file <string> or -pcf <string>

Specify the Pin Constraints File (PCF) if you want to custom stimulus in testbenches. For example, -pin_constraints_file pin_constraints.xml Strongly recommend for multi-clock simulations. See detailed file format about Pin Constraints File (.xml).

--bus_group_file <string> or -bgf <string>

Specify the Bus Group File (BGF) if you want to group pins to buses. For example, -bgf bus_group.xml Strongly recommend when input HDL contains bus ports. See detailed file format about Bus Group File (.xml).


Do not print time stamp in Verilog netlists


Show verbose log


Write the Verilog wrapper which mockes a mapped FPGA fabric. See details in Mock FPGA Wrapper.

--file <string> or -f <string>

The output directory for the netlists. We suggest the use of same output directory as fabric Verilog netlists. For example, --file /temp/testbench

--top_module <string>

Specify the name of top-level module to be considered in the wrapper. Can be either fpga_top or fpga_core. By default, it is ``fpga_top.

--pin_constraints_file <string> or -pcf <string>

Specify the Pin Constraints File (PCF) if you want to custom stimulus in testbenches. For example, -pin_constraints_file pin_constraints.xml Strongly recommend for multi-clock simulations. See detailed file format about Pin Constraints File (.xml).

--bus_group_file <string> or -bgf <string>

Specify the Bus Group File (BGF) if you want to group pins to buses. For example, -bgf bus_group.xml Strongly recommend when input HDL contains bus ports. See detailed file format about Bus Group File (.xml).


Use explicit port mapping when writing the Verilog netlists


Force to use relative path in netlists when including other netlists. By default, this is off, which means that netlists use absolute paths when including other netlists

--default_net_type <string>

Specify the default net type for the Verilog netlists. Currently, supported types are none and wire. Default value: none.


Do not print time stamp in Verilog netlists


Show verbose log


Write the Verilog testbench for a preconfigured FPGA fabric. See details in Testbench.

--file <string> or -f <string>

The output directory for all the testbench netlists. We suggest the use of same output directory as fabric Verilog netlists. For example, --file /temp/testbench

--fabric_netlist_file_path <string>

Specify the fabric Verilog file if they are not in the same directory as the testbenches to be generated. If not specified, OpenFPGA will assume that the fabric netlists are the in the same directory as testbenches and assign default names. For example, --file /temp/fabric/fabric_netlists.v

--reference_benchmark_file_path <string>

Specify the reference benchmark Verilog file if you want to output any self-checking testbench. For example, --reference_benchmark_file_path /temp/benchmark/counter_post_synthesis.v


If not specified, the testbench will not include any self-checking feature!

--pin_constraints_file <string> or -pcf <string>

Specify the Pin Constraints File (PCF) if you want to custom stimulus in testbenches. For example, -pin_constraints_file pin_constraints.xml Strongly recommend for multi-clock simulations. See detailed file format about Pin Constraints File (.xml).

--bus_group_file <string> or -bgf <string>

Specify the Bus Group File (BGF) if you want to group pins to buses. For example, -bgf bus_group.xml Strongly recommend when input HDL contains bus ports. See detailed file format about Bus Group File (.xml).


Use explicit port mapping when writing the Verilog netlists

--default_net_type <string>

Specify the default net type for the Verilog netlists. Currently, supported types are none and wire. Default value: none.


Do not print time stamp in Verilog netlists


Force to use relative path in netlists when including other netlists. By default, this is off, which means that netlists use absolute paths when including other netlists


Show verbose log


Write an interchangeable file in .ini format to interface HDL simulators, such as iVerilog and Modelsim.

--file <string> or -f <string>

Specify the file path to output simulation-related information. For example, --file simulation.ini

--hdl_dir <string>

Specify the directory path where HDL netlists are created. For example, --hdl_dir ./SRC

--reference_benchmark_file_path <string>

Must specify the reference benchmark Verilog file if you want to output any testbenches. For example, --reference_benchmark_file_path /temp/benchmark/counter_post_synthesis.v

--testbench_type <string>

Specify the type of testbenches [preconfigured_testbench``|``full_testbench]. By default, it is the preconfigured_testbench.

--time_unit <string>

Specify a time unit to be used in SDC files. Acceptable values are string: as | fs | ps | ns | us | ms | ks | Ms. By default, we will consider second (ms).


Show verbose log